If you're still wondering if being a home based agent is right for you - don't just take it from us. Check out this Ways and How video on "How to Become a Travel Agent from Home."
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Or, contact Ron Archer, President, directly at: 818-236-4250

Is a home based travel business the right choice for me?
A letter from Ron Archer
President, Archer Travel Service, Inc.
Do you love to travel and have a lot of friends that travel? Would you like to be the person everyone calls to get ideas on where to go and what to see? Are you looking for an exciting, rewarding and flexible career? Full time or part time?
You ARE a Candidate for a Home based Travel Business!
In 1979, in my parents’ backyard over a Sunday afternoon dinner my Dad asked me what my plans were after I graduated college. “I have no clue,” was my answer. My father simply said, “Why not join the family travel business?” I had never considered this before so I asked, “What would I do?” My Dad told me to just go out and see if I could get local companies to buy airline tickets from
our travel agency.
I started at Archer Travel in June 1979. We sold air tickets to BP Oil and Arco for the Alaska Pipeline. We sold tickets to Microsoft for their product rollout meetings that launched the Windows Platform. We even sold first class tickets to Siegfried and Roy for their white tiger cubs to come to the USA. We sold and continue to sell a lot of travel!
I have been around the world with my family since I was a small child; I met my wife on a Princess “Love Boat” Cruise and ate dinner atop the Eiffel Tower for my 30th anniversary. Let me say that my children should be named San Francisco, Scottsdale and Honolulu!
Travel is fun, travel is exciting and travel is an adventure!
Can I Make Money as a Home Based Travel Agent?
Like any other business the answer to that questions is simple - It depends on how hard you work, how dedicated you are to your business, and how much determination you have.
Making money is not based on luck. It is based on hard work, good creative ideas, attention to customer service, and most of all marketing yourself as a professional travel agent.
Know your product, respond quickly to your customers, and provide excellent ideas and information on what they request. We are here to help you!
Last year my wife and I escorted a group from a local Catholic Church to Rome. We then went on a 12 night Mediterranean Cruise with the group. That group cruise alone generated over $45,000 in commissions, and my wife and I went for FREE.
A $5,000 vacation for a family of four will generate between $500 and $750 in commissions to you. If you sell only one vacation a month you will make over $6,000 a year part time! Sell more, make more!
The Benefits of Being a Home Based Travel Agent
Work from home, enjoy flexible hours, make a good income, and travel at huge discounts. If you earn $5,000 a year as a travel agent you can receive your own Travel Agent ID Card. With that card you can:
- Fly anywhere on Southwest Airlines for $66 each way
- Stay at hotels at discounts of 50% or greater
- Cruise for as low as $35 a day per person
- Go on supplier sponsored “Fam Trips” at low cost
- 50% or more off on airfares through many carriers for yourself and a guest
Besides the above, the travel industry is a very rewarding business where you work with customers to help them make their own dreams come true.
Are you ready to get started on your own Home Based Travel Business?